PORT NEWS AND NOTES: NXTClean Fuels Project Takes a Major Step Forward
January 20, 2025
Sean Clark, Executive Director
The NXTClean Fuels project took a significant step forward this month with the approval from the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) of a water quality permit. NXTClean Fuels is proposing a $2.5 billion renewable diesel and sustainable aviation fuel facility at the Port of Columbia County’s Port Westward Industrial Park in Clatskanie.
NXTClean Fuels, also known as NEXT Renewable Fuels, plans to construct a clean fuels manufacturing facility capable of producing up to 50,000 barrels of renewable diesel and sustainable aviation fuel per day. Renewable diesel and sustainable aviation fuel are chemically identical to petroleum-based fuels and are a key component of Oregon’s climate plan to reduce carbon emissions.
NXTClean Fuels will use the Port’s deep-water dock to receive feedstock and ship finished product. The project will provide a return on the over $18 million that has been invested by the Port and Columbia County in infrastructure at Port Westward to build out the water intake and discharge systems, make rail improvements, and upgrade roads to the industrial site.
The potential economic impact of the project for Columbia County is immense. NXTClean Fuels is expected to create over 2,400 jobs during construction, 240 permanent jobs once operational, and contribute $13 million per year in local property taxes. This is more than double what the county’s current highest taxpayer paid in 2024 and will bring much-needed funding for our schools, public safety, and other services. NXTClean Fuels has declined the corporate tax incentives available to them, so these funds will have an even greater impact on our community.
Since leasing the 90-acre industrial site from the Port in 2019, NXTClean Fuels has spent over five years navigating Oregon’s rigorous permitting process. The project received state approvals for its removal fill permit and air permit in 2022, and local land use permits in 2024. The approval of the water quality certification concludes the major Oregon state permitting reviews.
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is overseeing federal permitting and is expected to publish an Environmental Impact Statement for public review in 2025. The Port recognizes the concerns over a facility of this size but is confident that our state and federal permitting agencies will ensure that any environmental impacts are carefully mitigated.
If approved, the NXTClean Fuels facility will support the transition to cleaner, renewable energy sources and drive long-term economic growth in Columbia County.