The Port’s committees play an important role and provide staff with a fresh perspective on planning and implementation issues. Committee members are appointed for a three-year term, and applicants are solicited through public notices and evaluated on an objective basis. Port Commissioners and staff greatly appreciate the work of our committee members.
To apply for a position on a Port committee, please send a completed application for the Scappoose Bay Marine Park Advisory Committee or the Scappoose Airport Advisory Committee to or call (503) 397-2888 for more information.
The Port currently has three active committees:
Scappoose Bay Marine Park Advisory Committee
This standing committee provides guidance and recommendations to the Port Commission regarding the development and operation of the marina. Marine Park Advisory Committee members include:
- Howard Blumenthal
- Jennifer Massey
- Mark Gundersen
- Brandon Glass
- Andrew Bradley
- Greg Wittman
- Wela Negelspach
- Port Commissioner Brian Fawcett
Meetings are held the 1st Tuesday of every other month at 5:30 p.m. at the Port office. Meetings are subject to change. To verify, check the Event Calendar.
Scappoose Airport Advisory Committee
This standing committee provides guidance and recommendations to the Port Commission regarding development and operation of the airport. Airport Advisory Committee members include:
- Keith Forsythe
- Mike Greisen
- John Helm
- Larry Sperberg
- Andrew Cox
- Chuck Hamm
- Clayton Eveland
- Betsy Johnson
- Port Commissioner Nancy Ward
Meetings are held the last Monday of every other month at 5:00 p.m. at the Port office. Meetings are subject to change. To verify, check the Event Calendar.
Budget Committee
This committee oversees and approves the Port’s annual budget. The Budget Committee consists of the Port Commissioners and an equal number of citizens appointed by the Commission. Current appointed members include:
- Rachel Armitage
- Daniel Garrison
- Rachael Barry
- Paul Langner
- Robert Gadotti
Meetings are held as needed during the budget cycle.