Port Facts

boat on the river, port economic impact numbers
  • The Port district extends for 51-miles along the Columbia River and includes the cities of Scappoose, St. Helens, Columbia City, Rainier, and Clatskanie.
  • The Port owns 10 different property sites and 2,400 acres throughout the district, including industrial, agricultural, and recreational properties.
  • Port supports 37 separate businesses that are directly responsible for 480 jobs.*
  • In total, 1,429 jobs* are supported by Port-dependent businesses and related operations.
  • Port-related businesses pay workers approximately $30 million* in labor income with a total income of over $90 million*.
  • These businesses contributed nearly $135.3 million** in value added (gross domestic product) for Oregon and the nation.
  • Port-related businesses generated an estimated $17.9 million** in state tax revenue and $16.6 million** in local tax revenue in 2021.
  • The Port has spent over $40 million in capital improvements over the past 12 fiscal years. 


*University of Oregon Institute for Policy Research and Engagement. (2024, January). Economic Benefits and Needs of Oregon Public Ports.
**WSP USA Inc. (2024, April). Port of Columbia County 2024 Strategic Business Plan Update.