Scappoose Bay Marina Main Walkway Lighting Project

Project Type:
Capital Project
Scappoose Bay Marine Park
Project Status: 
Date Received: 
Wednesday, January 23, 2019
Scappoose Bay Marine Park
57420 Old Portland Road
Warren, OR 97053

This project will improve the lighting on the docks at Scappoose Bay Marina. A couple of years ago, the Port added light posts and replaced fixtures for better coverage and efficiency on “E” dock, the outermost one with mostly boathouses and floating homes on it. Similarly, this new project will add lighting on the main walkway, which currently has none, and improve lighting at each gate. This project will greatly improve the illumination, safety, and accessibility on that long stretch of dock.

The Port found that it makes the most sense cost-wise to break this project up into its components. After soliciting informal quotes in each area, the Port selected Peak Electric for the electrical work.

The Port will purchase the fixtures themselves from Consolidated Electrical Distribution (CED), and the Port’s maintenance crew will fabricate the light poles as they did previously.